
























Research on the Family Check-Up®


There are multiple investigators and research teams conducting work on the Family Check-Up.
Much of the research on the FCU is located at either the University of Oregon or the University of Pittsburgh. 


30 years of research with thousands of families from diverse economic and cultural groups across the U.S. and internationally demonstrates the Family Check-Up:

• Increases use of positive parenting
• Strengthens parent-child relationships
• Reduces family conflict
• Reduces child depression and anxiety
• Reduces parent depression
• Improves school readiness
• Reduces child problem behaviors
• Improves child emotional regulation
• Improves academic achievement
• Improves school attendance
• Decreases child and adolescent substance use through the young adult years

Conducting research with the FCU

The Family Check-Up is a trademarked product managed by the University of Oregon. The FCU may be used in research and outreach activities or in collaboration with scientists who are conducting FCU research. If you are a scientist and you would like a letter of support for or consultation on the FCU, please contact Beth Stormshak or Daniel Shaw. We will review these requests with the FCU Executive Governing Board. Our goals are to support your research and to connect with those conducting similar research across the country.

The figure below provides a summary of key targets and outcomes of the Family Check-Up intervention and links to research articles that support the model.