Videos for Parents

Research shows that parenting quality is the most important influence on child outcomes. This research also shows that there are three key parenting skills that are critical to the positive development of children: positive behavior support, limit setting, and good communication. These three parenting skills are described below.  You will also find links that give you access to videos illustrating how to use these strategies effectively with children across all ages.


Positive Behavior Support
Positive behavior support is the practice of prompting and reinforcing positive youth behavior to decrease behavior problems, support skill development, and promote confidence and well-being.
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Monitoring and Limit-Setting
Monitoring and setting healthy limits are critical skills that create safety and boundaries across all stages of a child’s development. Monitoring and healthy limits help children follow rules and regulate their needs and emotions. This is critical because children with good self-regulation are more successful at school, with friends, and in community activities. Monitoring and healthy limit-setting involve gathering information about your child from both your child and from other adults involved in your child’s life as well as making your guidelines and expectations clear.
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Communication and Problem-Solving
Communication and problem-solving skills are necessary for building and maintaining positive family relationships and supporting your child’s ability to cope with problems. Effective communication skills are the foundation of mindful and effective parenting. As children grow and develop, their own problem-solving skills become increasingly important for successfully facing new challenges and experiences outside of the home.
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